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“One of the most important decisions you will make with regards to the outcome of your case is the choice of an expert witness providing clear, robust and independent opinions.”


Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution

For many years, several courts and law-firms have used our conflict resolution service, independent expert reports and expert witness services, specialized in derivatives, structured products and long-term investment plans. We are unique as we combine academic rigor with capital markets experience.

Our Services:

Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Portfolio analysis (also intra-day)
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Quantification of Losses
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Sourcing and processing of market data
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Product classification, ISDA, documentation of OTC transactions
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Explanation of market standards: valuation, trading, back-office, risk advisory
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Explanation of functionality of trading and risk management systems
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Validation of financial market patents
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Project coordination
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance Quality assessment of scientific project proposals

Current projects:

Expert witness at the Canadian court

 between Canadian tax payers and Her Majesty the Queen about option- and forward based trading strategies, 2018-2019.

Expert report for Lalive Switzerland

in a litigation between an FX Derivatives Trading firm and a Swiss market making bank for EUR-TRY options valuation and trading, 2019.

Expert at Commercial Court Vienna

for the case of the City of Linz against BAWAG about the Swap 4175. 2014-2019

Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance
Expert Witness / Conflict Resolution - MathFinance

Completed Projects:

View all completed projects »

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Conflict resolution

 between a large German retail bank and a rating agency concerning a valuation of an equity basket linked certificate, 2007.

Expert report on SPAN (Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk)

 and its application to a large portfolio of futures and options in several asset classes, Netherlands, 2010.

Expert witness at the Commercial Court London

 for a force-close of a portfolio of exotic currency derivatives; expert for Clifford Chance, London, 2010-2011.

Expert report for a patent of automated calculation

 of bid-offer prices of exotic currency options, forQuinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, New York, 2011.

Expert witness at SIAC (Singapore International Arbitration Center)

 for force-close and quality of risk advisory concerning a large portfolio of exotic options and structured products (Kikos, Tarfs, Accumulators), 2011-2013.

Expert report

 on the project „implied volatility surfaces, local volatility models and low dimensional hedging strategies for arithmetic and geometric baskets“ for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, 2012.

Expert witness at the Commercial Court London

 in an 8 billion USD case on ISDA-classification and risk calculations for FX target forwards and other derivatives, expert to Travers Smith, 2012-2013.

Expert witness at the Commercial Court London

 for the valuation of Nikkei index options after the Lehman bankruptcy, expert for Taylor Wessing LLP, 2013-2014.

Public trustee on non-life insurance contracts,

statistical verification of the valuation procedure and comparison to German standards, 2013-2014.

Expert report on portfolio optimization

 of a derivatives portfolio of the city of Salzburg in connection with a law suit, 2014.

Expert report for the Commercial Court Munich

 on the valuation of interest rate swaps and self-quanto swaps, 2015.

Expert report on the promotion of a faculty member

 with assessment of the research work (performance of option pricing models) for the American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2015.

Expert report

 on the project “robust numerical schemes for pricing of selected options under various market conditions” for the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, 2015.

Expert report

 on the change of law for municipalities‘ loans in foreign currency for the Ministry of Inner Affairs and Sports of the state of Hessen, 2015

Expert witness at the court of Salzburg


supporting the cross examination of the expert report of the prosecutor concerning the transfer of structured interest rate swaps from City of Salzburg to the State of Salzburg (Salzburg financial scandal), 2017


Expert witness at arbitration on the Philippines


between the national bank and an Australian software vendor about the introduction of its treasury management application, 2017


Expert Witness at Commercial Court Singapore


about the force-close and risk advisory quality of a portfolio with more than 500 exotic options.


Expert report for Clifford Chance


supporting a bank in its appeal against a penalty payment issued by the German exchange for alleged insider-trading, 2018-2019


Valuation of a life-insurance contract

for the court of Baden-Baden 



Expert report for the department of public prosecution in Rostock

How a floan (FX-loan) went under water, and how risks were managed, 2020

Contact us if you want solutions on our FX Options Products, Consultation on Pricing & Risk Model and Expert Witness/Conflict Resolution Services.

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